
My Spring Festival 关于过春节的英语作文

发布时间:2023-04-24 19:11:53
星火作文网 > 作文题材 > 英语 > My Spring Festival 关于过春节的英语作文

My Spring Festival 关于过春节的英语作文

文章来源: | 编辑:竹林 | 时间:2020-02-13 18:34 | 作文100字发送本文到微信

Spring Festival is a very important festival in China. Some people go shopping, some people go travelling and some people play with their friends. But this Spring Festival I went to Zhejiang Science and Technology Museum and worked as a little guide. In Zhejiang Science and Technology Musuem I learnt much knowledge and played many science games. I was responsible for the third floor. When there were some visitors coming to the third floor, I had to tell them and show them the science games. I was very happy to do this job. At Zhejiang Science and Technology Musuem, I met a lot of new friends. They come from different schools. They were chosen as little guides, too. We were happy to work together.

I think my Spring Festival is a special and meaningful one.

上一篇:My Little Invention 我的小发明英语作文 下一篇:对不起,没有了


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